Guy Laramée is an artist whom works include stage writing, directing, composing, singing, painting and writing. However, I think the most amazing art he’s done is probably books. I am not talking about the books he’s written, I am talking about the books he’s carved.
If you ever watched book carving videos from YouTube, you’d know that book carving requires a lot of skill and it is quite messy. This guy (see what I did there?) on the other hand has mastered it and almost all of his works look like they came out of Lord of the Rings movie. You have to see every detail of his art to appreciate these masterpieces and luckily I got my hands on close-up photos of his works.
Here’s some of the amazing book sculptures I picked from his work:
Desert Of Unknowing


Where They Live

Les Livres-Lumière

No Road To Han Shan

A Caverna

El Amor Por Las Montañas

The Great Wall


DIccionario Salvat Picos

Nouveau Larousse Universel

Meyers Lexicon (Geislerspitzen)

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