I have a very sensitive skin so I have to take really good care of it. My skin tends to get irritated quite easily because of the chemicals used in most of the ordinary skin care products and for this reason, I use mostly natural products. In general, I’m very careful about what I apply on my skin and to keep it smooth and hydrated, I try to take a long bath with natural salts every month.
This Christmas my cousin gave me two beautiful tin of salt as present; the pink salt of Himalaya and the salt of Camargue – both of them by La Gourmanderie.

These salts have many benefits for the skin, they are full of nutrients and the perfect choice to fix skin imperfection – yep I got cellulite.
The preparations couldn’t be simpler: just fill your bath with hot water, add a spoon of salt and let it melt. These salts are completely natural and at their raw state, so they are quite different from regular kitchen salts.
Before the bath or the shower, I use a homemade scrub on my legs. I’m kinda lazy and I don’t have much time to treat myself as I was at a spa so everything I do is very simple and quick and with the ingredients that I already have at home.
For the scrub, you can either use sugar or salt and then an oil of your choice. I use olive oil because I always have it but you can use coconut or almond oil as well. Then I add a bit of lemon juice and lavender essential oil.

I prepare a scrub for my face too with pretty much the same ingredients, except for the fact that instead of the sugar/salt I use coffee (I make coffee and then take the used grains) and I don’t put lemon juice but only essential oils.

I use the Indie Botanicals cleansing oil to wash my face after using the scrub. You may think that only someone with dry or normal skin can use it because using it with if you have acne or an oily skin, you shouldn’t use it because it will make it worse; you’re wrong.
Indie Botanicals proved that using their cleansing balm can actually reduce acne and help your oily skin. The problem isn’t only the fact that your skin collects too much oil but that those oils aren’t the right ones for its nutriment.
There are also other types of oils that benefit your face and it’s important to be well-informed about this.
Anyway, the cleansing oil really purifies the skin and leaves it smooth and fresh. By following these steps, I can not only clear most of my body from impurities, I can also hydrate and nourish my skin as well.
After the scrub and the shower I apply one of my favorite products ever: the organic aloe vera gel by Dr. Organic – it is soothing, moisturizing and restoring properties of the skin so it’s excellent if your skin is a bit dry, has a sun burnt or irritation.
For other parts of my body I use:
- Lips – Labello lip balm
- Eyes – Nutrient Boost eye serum by Akar
- Hands – Rilastil hand cream
- Face – Desert Rescue face oil by Akar; Frezyderm moisturizing 24H hydrating cream; Sun emulsion 15 SPF by Farmaderbe

There are many ways you can take care of your skin but you should do it not only for an aesthetic purposes but also to maintain balanced & healthy body and mind.
Samantha Carraro