Ramón Nuñez is a Venezuelan graphic designer who have been working as an illustrator since 2013. He started his career as visual developer for clothing brands then go freelance after a while.
Most of his portfolio consists of character arts from movies, TV shows and games but one of the catchiest work he has ever pulled off is probably Game of Thrones character arts. Many of his illustrations are unique but his Game of Thrones character arts can be seen on any viral website on the Internet. Here are all the Game of Thrones characters and their unique facial expressions he created so far.
Jon Snow

Joffrey Baratheon

Jaime Lannister

Gray Worm

Euron Greyjoy

Daenerys Stormborn Of The House Targaryen, First Of Her Name, The Unburnt, Queen Of The Andals And The First Men, Khaleesi Of The Great Grass Sea, Breaker Of Chains, And Mother Of Dragons

Cersei Lannister


Brienne Of Tarth

Bran Stark

Arya Stark

Tyrion Lannister

Tormund Giantsbane

Theon Greyjoy

The Night King

Sansa Stark

Sandor Clegane (Hound)

Samwell Tarly

Ramsay Bolton

Petyr Baelish (Little Finger)


Lyanna Mormont

Lady Olenna

Jorah Mormont

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