H2O Secrets: How Water Affects Hair And Skin Health

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Diligently caring for yourself and buying expensive cosmetics, but your hair does not become strong and your skin radiant? Maybe it’s all about the water. Don’t believe us? We have prepared 8 convincing evidence that will leave no doubt!

1. Your Skin Is 70% Water

The remaining 30% are proteins (collagen, elastin, reticulin), carbohydrates (glucose, glycogen, mucopolysaccharides), lipids, mineral salts (sodium, magnesium, calcium) and enzymes. If you skip drinking a little water as soon as you wake up, it instantly reflects on your skin: it becomes dry, dull and rough because chymotrypsin, which is the enzyme responsible for epidermal exfoliation horny scales, doesn’t work without water. As a result, the skin is not renewed, and thickens, becomes rough.

2. Lack Of Water Leads To Wrinkles

Medieval Persian scholar Avicenna said, that old age – it is dry. It is hard to explain how because in his times they did not know about collagen. Namely, this protein, containing a large amount of water, is responsible for the smoothness and elasticity of our skin. With age, under the action of ultraviolet radiation and due to improper drinking regime, collagen loses water, becomes less elastic and flexible. As a result, wrinkles appear.

3. To Hydrate Your Skin, You Need To Drink At Least 1.5 Liters Of Pure Water Per Day

Or to be more precise, 1.5 – 2.5 liters. Or even more precisely, you can calculate your rate by the formula “body weight x 31 = … ml”. For example, if your weight is 60 kg, the rate will be 1860 ml. It is better to drink separately from meals: 15-30 minutes before or one hour after. And necessarily – in small sips, so that the liquid does not interfere with digestion and is better absorbed.

4. Trace Elements Of Beauty

Calcium, zinc, selenium, silicon and magnesium – can be obtained only with certain foods and water. Moreover, as noted by Maria Kuleshov, an expert biochemist, dissolved minerals initially absorbed by water 100%, fruits and vegetables receive only by 30 –  70%. Additionally, because of the soil depletion, the content of nutrients and vitamins in fruits and vegetables over the past 30 years has dropped 10 times. This is not what we came up with. Such is the sad statistics of WHO.

5. Skin And Hair Need Physiologically Complete Water

Not all water contains a sufficient amount of macro and microelements that are beneficial to the hair and skin. With tap water in this sense, the situation is worst of all. “Its composition often does not meet the standards,” notes Maria Kuleshova. To get the highest benefit, use table bottled water of the highest category or get a special filter with a mineralizer.

6. Mineral Water A Day, Shines Your Hair

The fact is that the synthesis of keratin, which is 90% of your hair, is impossible without sufficient intake of sulfur. The most reliable way to compensate for the deficiency of this trace element is to periodically consume hydrogen sulphate water. And in case if you heard the myth – no it doesn’t cause kidney stones.

7. What’s In The Tap Water?

If you live in the city, the water coming out of your tap contains chlorine. But it is not at all useful for skin. Even though it kills harmful microorganisms, chlorine does not come in handy as always. As a result of overuse of chlorine, the micro biome of our skin suffers, its local immunity decreases, dryness and irritation may appear. Chlorine also does not benefit hair, especially if they are dyed, because when washing with chlorinated water the pigment is washed out very quickly. To avoid all these problems, you need to either avoid taking a shower ever day or use a special filter nozzle for the shower.

8. It Is Better To Wash Hair With Soft Water

If your hair become rebellious after washing it, most likely you have tap water is flowing hard water, which is water with a high content of calcium and magnesium salts. Long term usage of hard water leads to dull and lifeless hair due to remains of salts and minerals accumulate on the hair. In order to get rid of that, there is a special demineralization procedure in hair salons where you pay a good amount of money. You can also try to soften the water as well. “To do this, it will be necessary to insert a main filter into the pipes or to install a softener” explains Maria Kuleshova. “It is only important not to forget to properly maintain them. If this is a cabinet softener, then you need to remember to add salt for regeneration, if the main filter is to change the softening cartridge regularly.”

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