How To Start The Day Full Of Energy?

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You want to start the day awake, in a good mood and relaxed? A clever morning routine makes it possible. How to find rituals that are good for you in the morning – and what you shouldn’t forget in the morning.

Is today going to be a successful day? Or will you look back in the evening and say, “I got up on the wrong side of the bed today”? The answer to this question is already decided in the morning – between waking up and leaving the house.

Why A Morning Routine Is So Important

The first hour after getting up is the most important part. Those who take time in the morning for what is good for them and what gives them pleasure start the day awake and in a good mood. What’s more, they are more productive, more relaxed and happier. That’s why it’s so important to consciously design your mornings.

A consciously chosen morning routine anchors smart habits in our daily routine: rituals that are good for body and soul, that inspire us, relax and strengthen us. It makes it easier for us to avoid behavior that robs us of energy and costs us strength. And it creates structure and stability in our daily lives through its ever-uniform sequences: we don’t have to think about what to do next, we don’t have to make complicated decisions. It’s like a vacation for the brain.

Morning Routine? I Don’t Have Time For That!

Especially when there are small children in the house or when the workday starts very early, time is often tight in the morning. There doesn’t seem to be time for beneficial rituals. Or does it? After all, no one says you need an hour, 90 minutes, or even more to do it.

Instead, ask yourself: How much time do I have available in the morning? And am I really filling that time with things that are good for me?

Here are a few ideas on how you can free up your mornings despite being short on time:

  • Get up immediately instead of pressing the snooze button
  • Switch off your cell phone overnight and only switch it on again when you get to work
  • Prepare your morning routine the night before (lay out your clothes, pack your bag, fill the coffee machine, etc.).

Even passionate late risers should also seriously consider getting up a little earlier. Because if the morning already starts rushed, the necessary rest is often missing in everyday life. It is often enough to set the alarm clock ten minutes earlier.

Which Morning Routine Is Right For Me?

Of course, you can simply copy the morning routine of successful people: go to the gym like Apple CEO Tim Cook or meditate like Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey. But you’ll have to find out for yourself whether that really gets you ahead. Because there is no ONE morning routine that everyone will be happy with: To start the day well, everyone needs something different.

These four questions will help you take stock and develop your own personal morning routine:

1. What Does My Morning Routine Currently Look Like?

Take a moment to observe yourself in the morning. Bet you already have a morning routine? And if it only consists of pressing snooze three times and then shuffling to the kitchen with half-closed eyes right after getting up, in order to down the first coffee before breakfast …

2. Which Points Of My Morning Routine Do I Want To Change – And Why?

Analyze which habits rob you of time or energy in the morning without bringing any real benefit. Admitting this to yourself is the first step to changing your morning routine for the better.

3. What Do I Hope To Get Out Of My New Morning Routine?

Formulate your expectations: Do you want more rest in the morning? More momentum? A better mood? More focus on the tasks ahead?

4. How Could I Achieve This Goal?

Think about what new habits might help you achieve your goal. Choose activities that you know are good for you and bring you joy.

These Elements Should Not Be Missing From Your Morning Routine;

1. Light and Air

The brighter the room, the more awake you will feel – this simple equation really works. Because in the dark, our body releases the sleep hormone melatonin.

Therefore: raise the shutters or blinds as soon as the alarm clock rings! This will automatically switch your body into hello-wake-up mode – unless it’s the depths of winter or you’re a member of the “5 a.m.” club like entrepreneur Sven L. Franzen. It’s also best to open the window and let fresh morning air into the bedroom.

2. Water Intake

Drinking boosts the metabolism and thus helps us get going in the morning. Ayurveda fans swear by lemon water, possibly with ginger, preferably lukewarm. If you like it … Otherwise, pure water is the best choice. If you put a large glass next to your bed in the evening, you’re guaranteed to think about drinking in the morning.

Many people don’t want to start a morning without their cup of coffee or tea – and why not? The fact that coffee or tea have a dehydrating effect has long been debunked as a myth.

3. Exercise

Whether you cycle to work, jog, walk the dog, do yoga or walk the kids to daycare: Exercise should be an integral part of your morning routine.

It’s not about completely exhausting yourself. Even a moderate exercise, in a relaxed way and without pressure to perform, gets your circulation going. And if you exercise in the fresh air, you still get oxygen and light.

Find out more here: Getting Up Early: The Best Time To Set Your Alarm Clock

By the way, studies show that exercise stimulates the part of the brain responsible for learning and behavior control. So, it makes it easier for you to stick to your new morning routine!

Do you hate exercise in the morning or simply don’t have time for it? Then don’t. You might at least manage to stretch and stretch extensively and take a few deep breaths by the open window.

4. Make Your Bed

Want to start your day with a little sense of accomplishment? Then make your bed before you go to work. The feeling of having accomplished something motivates you and makes you more efficient – and if by chance you have a bad day, you will come home to a bed that is made.

5. Breakfast

Just don’t rush, this also applies to breakfast. Sit down to eat, don’t distract yourself with your cell phone, leave the TV off. And, sure, if you eat a healthy breakfast (vitamins, protein, whole grains, you know), you’ll start the day with more pep in your step.

If you can’t eat a bite in the morning, you can make up for it later at work. However, don’t wait until the first craving attack! Then you won’t have the willpower to resist sweet or fatty temptations.

6. Pause

Those who start the day head over heels are often exhausted and irritated in the evening. So, reserve time in the morning to pause briefly – and meditate, for example.

Many successful people swear by meditation. You think it’s not for you, but you’ve never tried it? Give it a chance. Apps like Headspace help you get started – a few minutes is all it takes.

Alternatively, breathing exercises, yoga, qigong or prayer can help you achieve more inner peace and serenity.

Writing can also help to organize thoughts. A gratitude diary, for example, provides a positive start to the day: Write down three things every day for which you are grateful and which make you happy.

All too esoteric? Always remember: Your morning routine has to suit you!

Do you feel like doing it, but don’t have time? You can meditate while lying in bed; think about what you are grateful for, including in the shower.

Set Daily Goal

What is your most important task today? What goal do you want to achieve? Ask yourself this question before you start working. It will help you focus on what is really important.

Your Personal Ingredient For A Perfect Start To The Day

Whatever makes a morning perfect for you; it should not be missing from your daily morning routine.

A few examples:

  • Reading the daily newspaper in peace and quiet
  • Listen to an audio book
  • Doing a crossword puzzle
  • Work through a lesson of the language course you’ve started
  • Taking a picture of the sunrise
  • Listening to loud music and dancing in front of the bedroom mirror

Anything that please you is allowed. With one restriction: keep your smartphone turned off, if possible. Emails, text messages and calls can wait until you’re in the office – the first hour of the day is all yours!

How To Establish A New Morning Routine?

How long does it take for a new behavior to become flesh and blood? This cannot be said in general terms, as British researchers demonstrated in an experiment. It took participants between 18 and 254 days to establish a new habit.

So, you may need some patience and consistency to establish a new morning routine. That’s what makes sticking with it easy:

1. Fix it

Although it may seem strange, write down the morning routine you want to stick to in the future – preferably the old-fashioned way, with a piece of paper and pen. This way you are making a contract with yourself.

2. Visualize

Visualize how much better your day will be once you have established your new routine. This inner picture will help you stick with it.

3. Be Consistent

Don’t experiment too much: If you read the newspaper today, start your day with yoga and meditation tomorrow, and drink a glass of lemon water the day after, you can’t establish a routine like that. You should also keep the order of your morning routine in the beginning.

4. Check

Set an appointment right from the start when you will critically question your new morning routine: What is good for you? What is helpful? And what’s annoying? You should omit or replace the latter elements – after all, your routine should not be exhausting or require daily effort!

5. Keep at it

Setbacks are normal. The important thing is to keep going afterward. Don’t be too hard on yourself if you really can’t get out of bed in the morning. Get back into it the next day! Eventually, your new habits will become as routine as your first morning coffee.

The Seinfeld strategy, named after the American comedian Jerry Seinfeld, is helpful for sticking with a new routine: Hang up a wall calendar so that you can always see it. Put an X on every day you’ve stuck to your new morning routine. After a few days, you’ll have a chain of X. Seeing them grow every day is a good feeling and inspires you to persevere.

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