You may burn fat and lose weight just by brisk walking or running but in order to have sexy abs or at least make a progress, you definitely need some exercises. Most of the exercises you find on the Internet have flaws because they always forget to include exercises for lower abs.
The title says “20 days” but the number of days may increase or decrease depending on your lifestyle. Some people have faster metabolism and watch what they eat so they can make outstanding progress and get sexy abs less than 20 days but don’t blame me if you keep eating Burger King just after completing your exercises.
Don’t forget to rest for 45 seconds between sets and 2 minutes between each exercise.
1. Russian Twist (15 Reps X 3 Sets)

• Sit with your upper body slightly tilted back, legs slightly bent and arms stretched out in front, perpendicular to the trunk.
• Slowly rotate your torso to the left and right.
• Avoid lifting your heels off the ground while performing the exercise.
2. Abdominal Crunch (15 Reps X 3 Sets)

• Lie on your back with your knees bent. You can do the crunch in different ways: keeping your hands behind your neck, across your chest or putting your arms forward, parallel to the quadriceps.
• With your abs tight, curl up and push forward. Maintain the contraction for a few seconds. Tilt your chin slightly. Keep your abdominals pulled in during the entire range of motion.
• Lower back down with a controlled movement.
• Avoid rapid movements and don’t push the neck forward while lifting your body forward.
3. Plank (3 Sets)

• In the prone position, rest on your forearms and keep your legs straight and slightly apart. Form a straight line with your body. Your elbows must be in a straight line with your shoulders. This helps avoiding an overload on the shoulder joints.
• Voluntarily contract the muscles of your torso. It is very important to mentally focus on what you are doing and on all muscles of the torso while you are trying to voluntarily contract them.
• Hold this position for at least 25 seconds.
• Relax the muscle of the torso and return to resting position.
• Avoid arching your back and lifting your gluteus.
4. V-Ups (20 Reps X 3 Sets)

• Lie on your back in extension, arms and feet off the ground.
• With a slow and controlled motion, lift the torso and legs at the same time to form a V as you exhale.
• Return slowly to the starting position as you exhale.
• Avoid pushing yourself with rapid movement rather than slow and controlled one. Also, don’t bring your arms to the legs without lifting your torso.
5. Bicycle Crunch (20 Reps X 3 Sets)

• Lie on your back with both hands behind your head.
• Crunch up and pull your right knee towards your chest, extending your left leg out 6 to 12 inches off the ground. Twist your left elbow towards your right knee then use a pedaling motion to switch position of your legs twisting your right elbow towards your left knee.
• Don’t twist your knees towards your elbows without lifting your torso.
6. Double Leg Lifts (15 Reps X 3 Sets)

• Lie on your back and place your hands underneath your bottom.
• Raise your legs straight above your hips perpendicular to the ground.
• Slowly extend the hips down towards the floor, dropping the legs gradually lower and lower until they hover just above the ground then forcefully flex the hips to pull both legs back up to starting position.
• Spend about three times as long on the drop as you do on the lift.
7. Chair Leg Lifts (20 Reps X 3 Sets)

• Start by sitting up straight on the edge of your chair with your hands on the sides of your hips. Engage your abdominals by drawing your belly button into your spine and make sure you can still breathe. It should feel more like you’re bracing for a punch and less like you’re sucking in your stomach while looking in the mirror.
• For our first move, keep bracing your abdominals into your back and keep your spine straight. Lean back so that just your shoulder blades are lightly touching your chair. Point your toes and lift your heels so that just your tip toes are barely touching the ground.
• Maintaining this reclined position, alternate lifting one knee up at a time. The key is to maintain that braced sensation too deeply activate your abdominal muscles as you lift and lower your legs.
• To make this harder, you can try lifting both legs at the same time.
8. Heel Touches (25 Reps X 3 Sets)

• Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor but keep your feet 18 to 24 inches apart. Keep your arms straight down at your sides.
• Crunch forward and up about 2-3 additional inches and touch your left heel with your left hand and then touch your right heel with your right hand.
• It is important to keep your lower back pressed flat against the ground and your head in a neutral position.
9. Side Plank Hip Lifts (25 Reps X 3 Sets)

• Lie on your side, resting on your forearm or your hand. Keep your legs straight, feet at a 90-degree angle.
• Push your body weight off the floor, contracting your trunk muscles until you have created a straight line between shoulder and hip.
• Slowly lower your hips and return to the starting position.
• Avoid holding your elbow not perpendicular to the ground and loading the body weight only on your shoulder and arm.