Master YouTube With These Shortcuts

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Skip To Particular Section Of The Video

1-9 (not keypad numbers): Skip to a particular part of the video.

For instance, hitting 1 will take you to somewhere around beginning while hitting 5 will take you to the middle of the video.

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Transparency Of The Subtitles

There are 4 transparency options in YouTube: 25%, 50%, 75% and 100%. If you want to turn the transparency the way it was, hit O until it becomes completely visible.

O: Change the transparency of the subtitle.


Full-Screen Mode

F: Go/exit full-screen mode.

Esc: Exit full-screen mode.


Play/Pause/Forward/Backward Shortcuts

J: Go back 10 seconds.

K: Play/pause the video.

L: Go forward 10 seconds

Right arrow: Go forward 5 seconds

Left arrow: Go back 5 seconds.


Move Frame By Frame

This option is very useful when you are trying to catch facial expressions.

. (period): Move video 1 frame forward when the video is paused.

, (comma): Move video 1 frame backward when the video is paused.


Show/Hide Subtitles

C: Show/hide subtitles.


Change The Subtitle Color

It might come in handy when the video you are watching has some abstract color because it actually changes the background color of subtitles, which is black by default. There are 8 color options you can choose: Black, white, yellow, green, turquoise, blue, pink and red.

B: Change the subtitle color.

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Mute/Unmute Audio

M: Mute/unmute audio of the video.


Increase/Decrease The Volume

Up arrow: Increase the volume by 5%

Down arrow: Decrease the volume by 5%


Go To Beginning/End Of The Video

Home: Go to the beginning of the video.

End: Go to the end of the video.

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